NeuroComm Affinity Group

Gonda 3303 on Tuesdays, 11-11:50 AM PST

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Enroll for graduate studies credit: NEURO 215 

Mission Statement

Effective science communication builds trust between scientists and the public, inspires the next generation of scientists, and facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration. Our goal is to provide science communication training for BRI graduate students. While many scientists are well-versed in conveying the technical nuances and medically translational aspects of their work to fellow academics, we will learn how to connect our science to broader applications and audiences. Each quarter will be dedicated to a component of science communication (writing, presenting, public engagement) and culminate in a final project.

Our meetings will take the form of: (1) expert-led workshops (2) group feedback sessions (3) member-led roundtable discussions. This focus on skill-building is designed to provide BRI graduate students the opportunity to become effective communicators, gain hands-on practice with deliverable outcomes, and engage with communities within and beyond the BRI. 

Past schedules & events:

NeuroComm is hosting its first social event in Spring 2023! Join our mailing list to receive the RSVP link.